1st International FIRE Conference
On 10th and 11th November 2022, the first inter-disciplinary international research conference of the FIRE-project, with support from Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, will be held in Örebro, Sweden.
FIRE – Financial Information Retrieval Ecosystem – is a research project focusing on the challenges of today and tomorrow that society faces with regard to the retrieval, storing, processing and use of financial information in a digitized world. The research carried out within the FIRE consortium is financed by Riksbankens Jubileumsfond, KK-foundation, Wenner-Grens Foundations and Wallenbergs Foundations.
During this first annual conference we will explore the overall umbrella for the project. Subjects covering different perspectives as regulation, business analyses, taxation, corporate law, edge computing and distributed ledger technologies are covered.
Event Address: Örebro University, Fakultetsgatan 1, Sweden,
10th of November T101, T-house at Campus
11th of November School of Music, Theatre and Art, Lecture Hall M, at Campus
You are invited to participate on the conference. Registered participants are invited to lunch and coffee both days.
Registration is now closed!
Following program might be subject to change.
10th of November 2022
8.30-9.30 Registration and Welcome coffee.
9.30-9.45 Welcome address Professor Eleonor Kristoffersson and Professor Jan Kellgren.
9.45-10.00 FIRE: Stakeholders Theory Perspective and Sustainable Development, Dr Magnus Kristoffersson, Scientific Project Manager of the FIRE project.
Session 1: General Framework and Good Governance: Moderator Associate Professor Cristina Trenta
10.10-10.30 Processing Financial Information in the FIRE-concept, Technologies, Cyber security and Legal framework. Dr Andreas Persson, Dr Alberto Giaretta, Dr Magnus Kristoffersson and Professor Eleonor Kristoffersson, Örebro University, Sweden.
10.30-11.00 Coffee Break
11.00-11.20 Breaking the Fiscal Omerta: the Roadmap to Transparency in EU tax algorithmic governance, PhD Student David Hadwick, DigiTax Centre, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
11.20-11.40 Governance Choices For the Use of Blockchain and Distributed Ledger Technologies as a Solution to Collect and Process Digitized Financial Information. Dr. Evrim Tan, KULeuven, Belgium and Prof. Dr. Sylvie De Raedt, DigiTax Centre, DigiTax Centre, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
11.40-12.00 Concluding Remarks & Discussion
12.00 – 13.00 Lunch
Session 2: EU and Tax Perspectives, Moderator Professor Aihie Osarenkhoe
13.00-13.20 Tax Rules, Facts, and Real-Time Taxation – What is Needed to Make It Work? Professor Jan Kellgren, Linköpings University, Sweden.
13.20-13.40 Income Taxation of Forestry and Digitalization. Dr Hanna Grylin, University of Gävle, Sweden.
13.40-14.00 Ensuring an Inclusive Shift Towards a Technology-driven Dialogue between Taxpayer and Administration: Why a Proactive Government is a Necessary Precondition for a Fair Transformation, PhD student Sam Van der Vlugt, DigiTax Centre, University of Antwerp, Belgium
14.00 -14.20 Data Protection Regulation and Taxation in Ukraine, Guest Researcher Vadym Tsymbal, Örebro University, Sweden (from Ukraine).
14.20-14.40 Tax Law and Data Collection: GDPR and Cybersecurity Issues, Associate Professor Cristina Trenta, Örebro University Sweden.
14.40-15.00 Coffee Break
15.00-15.20 Free Movement of Capital within EU and Digitalisation, PhD student Francesco Paolo Shiavone, University of Napoli, Italy.
15.20-15.40 Concluding Remarks & Discussion
Session 3: Business Analysis, Moderator Professor Jan Kellgren
15.40-16.10 Application of Distributed Ledger Technology to Enhance Deeper Understanding of Customer Experience and Journey Map in Business-to-Business Setting. Professor Aihie Osarenkhoe, Associate Professor Daniella Fjellström, University of Gävle, Sweden and Associate Professor Shang Gao, Örebro University, Sweden.
16.10-16.30 Understanding information security in the use of blockchain technology in the financial information retrieval ecosystem, Associate Professor Shang Gao, Örebro University, Sweden, Associate Professor Daniella Fjellström, University of Gävle, Sweden and Professor Aihie Osarenkhoe, University of Gävle, Sweden.
16.30-16.50 nvestigating the Roles of Accounting in the Ecosystem of Airspace Networks and in Emerging Markets, Adjunct Professor Jean Claude Mutiganda, Åbo Akadmi University, Finland and University of Gävle, Sweden.
16.50-17.10 Concluding Remarks & Discussion
11th of November
Session 4. Human Rights & Regulation, Moderator Associate Professor Daniella Fjellström
9.00-9.20 Distributed Ledger Technology and Human Rights in the Application of Financial Information Retrieval Ecosystem, Dr Mais Qandeel, Örebro University, Sweden.
9.20-9.40 Good Governance and the Datafication of Citizens, Dr Rigmor Argren, Örebro University, Sweden.
9.40-10.00 Making Markets, Translating Markets: Market Surveillance and Financial Regulation, PhD Kitti Mezei, Budapest University, Hungary.
10.00-10.20 Accounting regulation and digitalisation in Ukraine, Associate Professor Yurii Orzikh, University of Odessa, Ukraine and Örebro University, Sweden.
10.20-10.40 Concluding Remarks & Discussion
10.40-11.00 Coffee break
11.00-12.00 Student Papers Presentations: Moderator Dr Mais Qandeel.
11.00-11.10 Blockchain technology and EU public procurement, Robert Mjörnander.
11.10-11.20 Blockchain technology and data protection laws within EU, Sara ely Ramirez.
11.20-11.30 Automated decision making and discrimination, Anna Husman.
11.30-11.40 Legal tech and good administration, Magdalena Eder.
11.40-12.00 Questions and remarks.
12.00-13.00 Lunch Break
Session 5: Distributed Ledger Technology, Blockchain and Corporate Law, Moderator Dr Magnus Kristoffersson
13.00-13.20 Using Tags to Categorize Financial Data and Generate a Balance Sheet Automatically in Hyperledger: an Experiment of Double Entry Bookkeeping Using Off-Chain Data, Takeo Itabashi, Associate Professor, Tokyo Keizai University, Japan and Clemence Garcia, Professor, Gakushuin University, Japan.
13.20-13.40 Blockchain and European Administrative Integration: Regulators and Financial Markets, Dr Matteo Timo and PhD Student Giovanni Botto, University of Genoa, Italy.
13.40-14.00 Protection of Creditors of Limited Liability Companies in a Financial Information Retrieval Ecosystem, Dr Johan Adestam, Örebro University, Sweden.
14.00-14.20 Transparency in B2C delivery chain, Professor Wouter Verheyen, University of Antwerp, Belgium and Post Doc Ülkü Tanriverdi, University of Antwerp, Belgium.
14.20-14.40 Crypto Currencies and Taxation, Professor Yuri Matsubara, Meiji University, Japan.
14.40-15.00 Concluding Remarks & Discussion
15.00 Closing of the Conference and thereafter some coffee… (Professor Eleonor Kristoffersson).